Legality Verification Policy

Please adhere to the following guidelines if you have any questions regarding the safety, legality or rules of any sections of your routine.

  1. All submissions must be in writing, no interpretations will be accepted by phone this is for clarification purposes.
  2. Video must include a front, side and back view of skill to ensure proper visual of skill, element, etc. in question.
  3. Do not send the entire routine, only the skill or element to be evaluated.
  4. To ensure proper understanding please Include a written statement of your question.
  5. Include team name, division name, coach name and contact information (address, email, cell phone number) Videos must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the competition date, to allow proper time for viewing. Emailed videos should be in either Windows Media Player or QuickTime formats. If the above guidelines are not followed, your video may not be viewed.

Email Video and or questions to: – Please include: Legality Verification in the Subject Line.